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September 2020 Newsletter!

Writer's picture: Giulian FavrinGiulian Favrin

Welcome to September!

Although, who knows what time, day, month, or year it is at this point. With all of the things happening in the world, none of it seems to be slowing down the pace at which this year is moving! All we know is it has been HOT these past couple of months, and some of us are looking forward to WOD-ing in some cooler weather soon enough.

At CopperTop, this September brings with it a new training cycle - Gymnasty. That's right, get ready for all of the pull-ups, handstands, muscle-ups, and "other"-ups that are on their way! Through this work, we will continue to improve our coordination, balance, agility, accuracy, and (arguably) most importantly - body awareness.

CrossFit Inc. Hosts it's First Quarterly Town Hall

On Wednesday, August 19, new CrossFit Owner and CEO Eric Roza sat down with Nicole Carrol, longtime Director of Training, to discuss a bold new vision for CrossFit Inc. Some highlights included:

  • A new mission statement: Eric revealed that CrossFit's mission under his direction is "to become the world's leading platform for health, happiness, and performance".

  • The Open: Is going back to February!

  • A new governance structure: Roza alluded to the establishment of a new board of directors, currently consisting of 7 people, including 4 independent members (not involved in the investment of money in the company). In addition, a number of members of his X-Team or leadership team were announced in positions relating to international affairs, research and analytics, affiliate growth, and "diversity, equity, and inclusion".

  • A COVID Rx fund: Recognizing the losses that affiliates have encountered, CrossFit Inc. will establish a fund that seeks to help gyms that have struggled through closures due to COVID-19. Eric is also actively taking part in lobbying government for the reopening of gyms in states which still have mandated closures. See his spot on CNBC here.

  • Growing the Sport of CrossFit: Unlike the constantly tenuous relationship that former CEO and Owner Greg Glassman had with the CrossFit Games and its iterations, Eric sees the sport side of CrossFit as an opportunity to reach more people, both legitimizing its status as a sport, and encouraging more people to try it out. 

If you're interested in more information, see this article by the Morning Chalk Up, or watch the full Town Hall on Youtube.

Beer Can Burgers

Grilling season is coming to an end (NOOOOOOOO) so here's a recipe worth ending on! Thanks to Coach Sam for this one!


2 lb. ground beef

1 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce

1 tsp. garlic powder

1 beer can

kosher salt

Freshly ground black pepper

8 slices bacon

4 burger buns

4 slices tomato

4 pieces lettuce


2 c. cubed cheddar

1 jalapeño, thinly sliced

1 bell pepper, sliced

1 onion, thinly sliced

4 slices provolone


  1. Heat grill to medium. In a large bowl, season beef with Worcestershire and garlic powder. Roll into ½-pound balls, then place a beer can in the middle to shape into a bowl. Press beef up the sides of the beer can. Gently twist beer can out of burger bowl and season with salt and pepper.

  2. Wrap two slices of bacon around the bowl. If stuffing with cheddar and jalapeño, top with cheese and jalapeños. If stuffing with peppers and onions, stuff with peppers and onions and top with a slice of provolone.

  3. Grill until burger is cooked, 30 minutes for medium. 

  4. Serve on buns with lettuce and tomato.

Need Help with Grip Strength?

If anyone knows about grip strength, it's OCR (Obstacle Course Race) athletes. Here are some exercises you can do to work on your own vice grip.


How to Do It: This exercise requires two small towels (example: 14 inches wide and 22 inches in length). Loop one towel around the handle of each dumbbell and hold onto the end of each towel while standing upright with your shoulders back. Walk 25-50 yards around your gym floor or outdoors. You can also use weight plates for this exercise. If the plate has more than one opening, such as a top and middle hole, loop the towel through the top opening and hold onto it from there. A longer towel may be required to loop through the center hole of a 25-, 35-, or 45-pound weight plate. See other exercises here...

News, Events, and fun things to click on!

Here you'll find current events on the local, regional, and international scale, articles that have piqued our interest, and other cool stuff!

Murph is coming up at CrossFit CopperTop (that's us) on Labor Day, Monday, September 7. There will only be one class at 9 am that day; however, all members are invited to participate. 

The CrossFit Games are still happening! It's going to look a bit different though...

Ben Bergeron breaks down the 10 Components of Fitness(Podcast)

CrossFit Inc. also announced a new Athlete Advisory Council

A "How-To" for building strong shoulders from the CrossFit Journal archive

And here's what you need to know about cheese



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