AMRAP? EMOM? Shoulder-to-Overhead? There are a lot of acronyms, movements, and techniques to learn when you start CrossFit, but that's why we're here!
New to CrossFit? Start Here.
CrossFit aims to forge a broad, general, and inclusive fitness through constantly varied, functional movements performed at high intensity. Ultimately, what this means is that we want to help you develop a level of fitness that will make you ready for anything life can throw at you! Unlike many fitness regimes that tend to focus on single modalities (i.e. solely cardio, solely bodybuilding), CrossFit embraces everything from running, rowing, and biking, to weightlifting, throwing, and gymnastics!

The above pyramid displays, in all its simplicity, the fundamentals of CrossFit. We look forward to guiding you through these elements to help you become the best version of yourself, and we're committed to getting you there with the direction of our experienced coaches.
Cost: $75 for 3 sessions
Our Fundamentals classes are your introduction to CrossFit. During these sessions, we'll familiarize you with the basic movements and skills that make up our WODs (Workouts of the Day). As Fundamentals classes tend to be smaller in size, you'll have the opportunity to receive individual instruction from one of our experienced coaches, that emphasizes the importance of safety, and focuses on taking you through a progression of mechanics, consistency, and intensity. At the end of each class, there will be a WOD that will introduce you to the styles of workouts that are common in a CrossFit gym.
After three Fundamentals sessions, you'll be ready to join any of the group classes available during the week!