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We've got answers

Frequently Asked Questions

What is CrossFit?

CrossFit is an extremely efficient and effective way to get into shape. Our workouts consist of constantly varied, functional movements (like pushups and pullups, deadlifts and squats, gymnastics, kettlebells, running, rowing, and Olympic lifting), executed at high intensity in a group setting

Do I need to be fit to start?

No! CrossFit is for everyone, regardless of their age, or fitness level. Our needs vary by degree, not by kind, meaning that all of the movements we execute are idiomatic to human movement, and are therefore achievable by all! You'll find a wide range of people at our box, from kids through to grandparents!

If I'm just starting, how often should I come?

For new members who are starting (or re-starting) their fitness journey, we recommend 3 days per week for the first few weeks to allow your body to adjust to the new stimuli it will experience as a part of our workouts. Once you feel comfortable, and you feel as though you're able to recover between WODs, you can build to four or five days, with two rest days each week.

What's your Drop-In Policy?

We usually welcome visitors from other boxes!  However at this time, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are unable to accommodate drop-ins due to the restrictions placed on our sector by the Responsible Restart Ohio plan. We look forward to a time where we can welcome visitors again!

What does your programming look like?

We follow Mayhem Affiliate programming by Darren Hunsucker, CrossFit's "winning-est" coach. Each class begins with a warm-up, followed by a strength or skill portion (or sometimes both), and finishes with a WOD (Workout of the Day). Sometimes there is (optional) extra credit work that involves accessories and midline work for those who want to go the extra mile.

Why is CrossFit so expensive compared to other gyms?

We understand how many options are available for people to work out these days. From simply running out your door to the $10 membership at the big gym up the road, CrossFit seems costly. What you get at our gym that you don't at others is personalized coaching every time you step through our door from trained, professional coaches, as well as access to guidance regarding personal goals, nutrition, and everything else with respect to your fitness. You also get to be a part of an awesome community who will cheer you on through the best and hardest workouts you'll do!

What are all of these weird terms I keep hearing?

CrossFit has some language specific to the types of workouts that we do. Here's a brief glance at some of these:


Box: A barebones gym that has all of the necessary equipment for a range of WODs, without the "machines" you find in commercial gyms.


WOD: Workout of the Day.


AMRAP: As Many Rounds or Reps as Possible (usually associated with a time-domain - i.e. a 15-minute AMRAP would mean doing As Many Rounds or Reps of the prescribed movements As Possible within 15 minutes).


EMOM: Every Minute On the Minute (usually used when executing technique or volume work).


For Time: Do the prescribed movements as quickly as possible (while maintaining safe technique).


Affiliate: A box that is licensed by CrossFit HQ to use the name "CrossFit" and teach the methodology. We are a CrossFit Affiliate.


For a full list check out this guide from Greatist.

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