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May 2020 Newsletter!

Writer's picture: Giulian FavrinGiulian Favrin

Updated: May 19, 2020

Welcome to our May Newsletter!

As you can probably tell, we're continually trying to come up with new initiatives to make sure that we keep you, our CrossFit family, close during these strange times. Through these newsletters, we hope to keep you up to date with everything happening in the CrossFit CopperTop space! In the coming months, you'll find tips regarding nutrition, events, performance, athlete profiles, and everything else fun and exciting happening in the CrossFit world!

A message from us to you during COVID-19

Dear CrossFitter,

We miss you, too.  

There’s nothing we want more, as coaches, than to have our alarm go off at 4:15 and wake up from this bad dream. We want to see your sleepy eyes and bed head wander in at 4:59 for the 5am class.  We want you to hurry back from the run to get the prime spot on the pull-up bars. We want to drop heavy weights (because we all secretly LOVE that sound) and make sweat angels.

Oh, how we want this. 

Hang tight, dear CrossFitter.  We will be back as soon as we can. We know physical activity plays a big part in mental health. We know fit people use “wellness” as a hedge against sickness.  We know a healthy population uses fewer medical resources overall.  We want to be active in the solution, not adding to the problem.  

As CrossFit gym owners, we are working at reopening protocols so that we may open our doors and continue to provide our services.  We may have to limit class sizes, we will give each athlete their own space and their own equipment. We’ll share only stories and a whiteboard.  We’ll make a new bleach solution and leave it on equipment for the recommended contact time, and we’ll wipe everything once, twice, and again.  We’ll ask you to stay home if you’re not feeling great – and we may need you to stay home so we don’t get overcrowded.  We’ll continue to support you with at-home workouts when necessary.  And we will all wash our hands. 

While we expect to see some changes, we also expect to walk right back in where we left off.  Your community will be here to support you, share your success and celebrations, wish you happy birthday, cry at your gym engagement, get dressed up for your wedding, and shower you with loads of diapers when those babies arrive. And boy are we expecting them to arrive — about December.  We will cheer when you honk the PR horn and we’ll talk nonstop about CrossFit instead of a virus.  You’ll be glad to get out of your house and smell the rubber flooring again. 

We can’t wait to tell you to find your heels, squat lower, tighten your belly, or quit resting at the chalk bucket. Our days are spent nit-picking and cheering, all with the intent to make you move better, be stronger, and able to go play harder OUTSIDE of the gym.

It won’t be long until we’ll collectively groan at dumbbell thrusters.  The hill will still be steep.  We will *still be sore.  And we will lie in puddles of sweat, happy, triumphant, and yell


Hey, CrossFitter, we miss you. Hang in there.  We’ll see you soon.


Your CrossFit Gym (Thanks fo Rainier CrossFit for the basis of this letter)

Exhausted after a day of doing nothing during Lockdown?

There's a good reason, says sleep specialist Dr. Sophie Bostock. "A lot of this comes down to routines being hacked, less exposure to sunlight, heightened anxiety from reading the news, and increased screen time," she explains. "Because of all this our brains aren’t getting the same amount of stimulation that they are used to; we’re having to spend our days in the same few rooms of our houses and with the same few people, so it’s natural to feel more lethargic than normal as a result.”

So what can you do to re-energize your days? 

Establish a new routineand stick to it. Don't lay in bed for an extra three hours because of the ill-advised Tiger King marathon you decided was a good idea the night before. "Messing with your circadian rhythms disrupts your body, making you more susceptible to tiredness."

Keep your screens in a separate room from the one you sleep in.Studies have shown that a light shining behind your knee while in bed can poorly affect the quality of your sleep. So imagine what happens when your phone screen flashes every time you get a notification.

Restrict your news intake.We're all a little bit more on edge than usual due to the pandemic so it's important that we avoid extra stress where possible."Stress triggers hyperactivity in our brains, releasing cortisol and making our bodies go into defense-mode, which saps our energy and motivation."

Exercise your mind and body! “With so many of us confined to our houses, it's easy to move from screen to screen and neglect making enough time for physical exercise," says Sophie. "Physical activity is not only vital to boosting energy levels, as it releases endorphins, but it also promotes happiness." So make sure you're getting those at-home workouts in as often as you can!

Treats to Satisfy that Sweet Tooth

We'd love to feature any recipes that you enjoy making that have a slightly "healthier" edge to them. Please let us know if you have something you'd like to be featured, sweet or savory! Thanks to Coach Sam for this one!

Peanut Butter Protein Balls Ingredients

  • 1 Cup protein powder

  • 1 Cup peanut butter or your nut butter of choice

  • 1/2 Cup of honey

  • 1/2 Cup old fashioned oats

  • 1/2 Cup Mini Chocolate Chips

  • 1 Cup of chocolate protein powder (for dusting in the second step)


  1. Mix all ingredients except the chocolate protein is a bowl and make 24 balls. 

  2. Now roll the balls in the chocolate protein powder and chill for 30 minutes

Bon Appetit!

Got rope?

What better time to work on a skill than when stuck at home during a pandemic?! Whether you've been trying to get your first set of double unders, are working towards consistency, or are a master of the skill, this seven-part series from RX Smart Gear contains all of the information you could ever need!

In addition to mastering the skill, jumping rope helps:

  • Tone your calves

  • Tighten your core

  • Improve your lung capacity

  • Build stamina

So get jumping!

News, Events, and fun things to click on!

Here you'll find current events on the local, regional, and international scale, articles that have piqued our interest, and other cool stuff!

An Op-Ed from the Morning Chalk Up about the unspoken danger of going back to the gym

Training Think Tank has created The Quarantine Machine for strength training without barbells

The Spartan Gym Protection Project is still online! An easy way to get a (much) cheaper Spartan race while supporting your box!

CrossFit Health continues its video series debunking the poor science in the film "The Game Changers". In this talk, Dr. David Diamond discusses how fat and LDL cholesterol are not the enemy

And here's how you should be approaching training during Lockdown according to World-Renowned coaches

We want to hear from you!

We hope you enjoyed our newsletter! If you have feedback with regards to anything we've missed, anything you'd like to see more of, or anything else - let us know!


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