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April 2020 Newsletter!

Writer's picture: Giulian FavrinGiulian Favrin

Updated: May 19, 2020

Welcome to our Monthly Newsletter!

We're incredibly excited to be kicking off this new initiative to make sure that you're kept up to date with everything happening in the CrossFit CopperTop space! In the coming months, you'll find tips regarding nutrition, events, performance, athlete profiles, and everything else fun and exciting happening in the CrossFit world!

Home WODs during COVID

With the chaos that has been created in the wake of COVID-19, we want to make sure you're setting your space up at home for the best WOD possible! Here are a few sure-fire tips to maintain your fitness while away from the gym:

  • Make sure you have enough space - This is the most important thing to get correct in your home gym set up. If you're constantly bumping into obstacles or having to move things around, you're not going to get as much benefit from your workout.

  • Once you've made the space, mark it up - Mark out the floor with tape, or cones, or mason jars, and then add in your equipment around the space.

  • Use a CrossFit Timer - Apps like WodProof are great because they have all of the different types of timers we need (AMRAP, EMOM, TABATA) built-in so you don't have to worry about starting and stopping your iPhone timer. They also have a countdown feature so you don't have to start a timer and then immediately drop your phone and work!

  • Ask us for help - We will keep posting WODs as long as this craziness continues; however, we understand that one of the reasons you enjoy your time in the box is the coaching. While what we're able to achieve is limited, please continue to ask us questions about movements, standards and anything else!

  • And lastly - have fun, keep your fitness up, and stay happy! We can't wait to see you all back at the box again soon (hopefully)!

Eat Well, Feel Better, Look Your Best!

Being home-bound without an end in sight can lead to some bad-habits being formed, especially when talking about nutrition. Now more than ever is when we want to focus in on our nutrition so that we can continue to feel great and maintain our progress. Find out how you can make sure you stay on track with your eating habits below:

  • Avoid mindless snacking - Practice mindful awareness of each bite. Think about why you are eating right now as well as what. Bored? Restless? Maybe a walk around the block is what you really need.

  • Keep a food diary - As an exercise in mindful eating, write down everything you eat or drink for a few days (there are several freely available smartphone apps to make this easier). Often just the simple act of being aware of what you are putting in your mouth is enough to spur you to make wiser choices.

  • Plan ahead - Many people with bipolar are prone to impulse buying, so thinking ahead about meals and making a shopping list is very helpful. Keep fruit handy on the counter, carrot sticks prepped and ready in the fridge. Carry healthy snacks with you to cut down on fast-food stops.

  • Shop smart - When shopping for groceries at a large store, shop around the outer sections first—that is where the healthier foods are typically found. Be selective on items in the middle of the store and read labels. Locate a farmers’ market and explore it and ask questions.

  • And always remember the CrossFit prescription - "Eat meats and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar"

Bon Appetit!

The Benefits of Bodyweight Training

Being CrossFitters, we're no stranger to bodyweight workouts like Cindy, Mary, and Murph, but we can sometimes get a little caught up in all of the fun "things" we get to play with. This is the perfect time to remind ourselves why bodyweight workouts are so great!

Great Starting Place- If you’re new to strength training, bodyweight exercises are a terrific place to start. You will build muscle. You will get more comfortable in your own body. And you’ll develop a good foundation of strength that you can then apply to weight training or any other training modality you choose.

Maintain and (even) build strength- While bodyweight exercises may not maximize your ability to build muscle, they are some of the best exercises you can do to maintain strength, stay flexible and become more comfortable in your body.

No Equipment Necessary - Along any fitness journey, there are bound to be obstacles. You might not always have access to or the time to go to a gym. Because you can do bodyweight exercises anywhere and any time, it’s easier to be consistent with your workouts

News, Events, and fun things to click on!

Here you'll find current events on the local, regional, and international scale, articles that have piqued our interest, and other cool stuff!

Support Your Box CrossFit Fundraiser is still open to register

Wanting to improve your rowing? Let Dark Horse Rowing help!

Make sure you save the date for our annual Fitness for Ellie Competiton!

We want to hear from you!

We hope you enjoyed the first edition of our newsletter! If you have feedback with regards to anything we've missed, anything you'd like to see more of, or anything else - let us know!


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